1Sphere 1People Homestead
A developing intentional community in SE Arizona
Human Needs & 1Sphere 1People Homestead
(Adapted from Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)
Maslow's hierarchy of needs has been modernized from a simple ascending pyramid design to one that is layered. His ideas have been expanded upon and subdivided into three main categories. The sustenance needs are at the the central core, surrounded by the outer-directed needs, and coated with the inner-directed needs.
The sustenance needs are those that are vital to life. Life ends in approximately three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food, but the correct three-second decision can mean the difference between death and survival in a disaster situation.
Outer-directed needs are those that focus on the environment and relationships with others. 1Sphere 1People Homestead is geared to assist with meeting those needs in a tangible way.
When the sustenance and outer-directed needs are met, seekers are better prepared and free to focus on the inner-directed needs culminating with the quest for self-actualization. This is an inner journey that can only be taken as an individual, and the paths are as varied as one person is to another. Directions cannot adequately be put into words, and the general way is only lit by glimmers of light from those who have gone before.
Sustenance Needs:
Physiological needs: necessary for the sustenance of life. Food, water, air, reproduction, homeostasis, excretion, sleep.
*Food: healthful, in as close to the natural state as possible. Limit animal products and refined foods. Avoid foods with hazardous chemical and biological contamination. 1Sphere 1People Homestead has a large community garden area. We offer the means to can or dehydrate produce. We plan to construct a greenhouse, plant an orchard and to eventually add nitrogen canning ability.
*Water: Aysion Acres has pure artesian water, unchlorinated, naturally sweet, naturally mineralized, uncontaminated.
*Air: Avoid the pollution associated with metropolitan areas. 1Sphere 1People Homestead, is located 50 miles from Tucson, AZ.
*Reproduction: A necessity for the continuance of human life. Perpetual growth, however, is unsustainable. 1Sphere 1People Homestead is an adult-only community.
*Homeostasis: The body's natural rhythms and ability to regulate its internal environment within a changing external environment.
*Excretion: The body ridding itself of wastes and toxins.
*Sleep: Proper rest revitalizes mind and body.
Safety needs: Necessary for the protection and preservation of life. Shelter, healthy planet, security/freedom from intentional harm, employment, resources/personal property, morality, health, comfort, tranquility, the ability to quickly assess and make the right decision in a dangerous situation, peace of mind.
*Shelter: 1Sphere 1People Homestead offers a variety of shelter options.
*We encourage optimizing the health of the planet. All species are interconnected. Arizona native species are protected and a natural habitat is provided.
*Security/freedom from intentional harm: Potential residents are security screened, we look out for one another. There is safety in numbers.
*Employment: We encourage bartering and a simple lifestyle to limit the number of hours spent working. Enjoyable employment is encouraged. Options are offered to credit employment hours towards monthly housing expenses. We are open to suggestions for cottage industries.
*Resources/personal property: We encourage the sharing of resources to avoid unnecessary duplication and expense. 1Sphere 1People Homestead offers to share our many resources, however this is a community, not a commune. Your possessions remain your own, and are under your personal control to share or not to share as you choose.
*Morality: Perspective community members are held to a high standard of honesty and respect for self and others. The golden rule applies. Weekly meetings will be held to ensure potential problems are limited.
*Health: Books and other media are available to assist members with healthy choices. Death is a natural part of life. Hospice and health care services by competent Registered Nurses are offered at 1Sphere 1People Homestead.
*Comfort: Your comfort is an utmost concern. Residents are requested to report any uncomfortable situations immediately for prompt remedy.
*Tranquility: Listen to the sounds of the wind and nature. Obtrusive noise is to be avoided through the use of headphones, quieting pets, and the limiting of drama.
*Training is offered to make a rapid, right decision in different scenarios, adding to peace of mind.
Outer-Directed Needs
Belonging and love needs: Affection, acceptance, friendship, family, sexual intimacy, group cohesion, affiliation.
*Compassionate, amiable, caring group members are being sought. 1Sphere 1People Homestead is an adult community, but children/grandchildren and other family members or friends are welcome, in fact heartily encouraged, to visit. Guests must register at the office. Tours offered by appointment.
*Sharing of interests and activities will lead to group cohesion and a sense of belonging among members.
*Humans are sexual beings, and what happens privately between two consenting adults behind closed doors is not of group concern so long as no one is being harmed. Child pornography is inappropriate and will not be tolerated. For the security of other community members, guests require screening.
Outer Esteem needs: Approval, recognition, achievement, respect of and for others.
*Time for recognition of achievement will be allotted at weekly group meetings. Respect for one another is mandatory.
Inner-Directed Needs
Inner Esteem needs: Self-esteem, self-respect, competence, achievement, confidence.
*The four hour per week contribution per person to the betterment of the community, mentoring option, and weekly group report are designed to assist with the fulfillment of inner-directed esteem needs.
Aesthetic and cognitive needs: Knowledge, understanding, order/justice, beauty, inquiry, exploration, artistic expression.
*1People Acre's stocked library and discussion groups promote these values.
Self-actualization: individual quest for transcendence, enlightenment.
*The ultimate need? 1Sphere 1People Homestead offers a supportive, dogma-free environment for individuals to follow their bliss. Religion as belief is pseudo-religion. Religion as quest....maybe.
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Support this site: Visit our Zazzle store featuring ultra hi-res images of artworks, Hubble/ESA/NASA space images, Mandelbrot fractals, maps and more. Images up to 525 megapixels allow for fine printing at the largest sizes. Consider giving a fine print as a gift that could hang on someone's wall for a hundred years or more.
1Sphere 1People Homestead Site Map
- •Home Page
- •Mission Statement
- •Who are we? Personal profiles
- •Where are we in SE Arizona?
- •Units Available: Vacancy?
- Description of Unit 1
- Description of Unit 2
- Description of Unit 3
- Description of Unit 4
- Description of Unit 5
- Description of Small Mobile Home
- Description of RV Space 1
- Description of RV Space 2
- •Utilities
- •Community Areas
- •Compatibility Issues: Will you fit in?
- •On Human Needs: What do you need?
- •One Homestead: Experimental Farm
- •How much space does a person need?
- •Nearby Hiking Excursions
- •Alternative Dwellings: POD Houses
- •Alternative Dwellings: Thoreau Cabin
- •A History of the St. David Area
- •1Sphere 1People Homestead FAQ
- •1Sphere1People Annex
- •History of 1Sphere 1People Homestead
- •Geological Map of Area
1Sphere 1People Homestead Projects
External Links
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Center For Inquiry
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