1Sphere 1People Homestead
A developing intentional community in SE Arizona
Nearby Hiking Excursions
The St. David Cienega, an international birder destination, is a remnant of riparian habitat that was once far more common. It's a good place to catch a glimpse of some 350 species of birds that migrate through or live here year around. And it's just a couple miles or so walk from 1Sphere 1People Homestead.

From the east end of 1Sphere 1People Homestead it's about 1/4 mile to the riverbed. A short walk down river, to the north, takes you to the northern boundary of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area and to what is locally known as "the shower tree" (#1 in red above). The shower tree is a willow where there's an old artesian well with a horizontal pipe sticking out from which water pours year around. If you sit quietly in the Cottonwoods across from the water you might see wildlife come for a drink when the river is dry. If you climb the west bank south of the boundary fence you'll find some gates and a dirt road going to the northwest through the thick mesquite bosque. As the trees thin out you can see a conical hill to the NW (#2 in red above). Climb this for a 360 degree overview of the area. You'll be able to make out the bed of the old railroad line shown on the map above and a few cottonwoods in the cienega. The flat area is the clay bottom of a Pleistocene lake.
Another way is to walk south up river until you see another old artesian well on the west bank (#3 in red above). From here go west about 1/2 mile and look for willow trees. Here is a few acres of wetland fed by old artesian wells (#4). To the SW are bluffs (#5) from which you can get an overview of the area. The cienega itself is about a mile long (#6 in red above). Another way to get to the area is from Apache Powder Rd, through private land, to the parking lot (#7) shown on the map.
Below is a portion of the small scale geologic map with the cienega map superimposed. Click on the map to see it full size.

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