1Sphere 1People Homestead
A developing intentional community in SE Arizona
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Internet Options?
Child Policy?
Short-term stays?
Private housing?
RV spaces?
Alternative/Off-the-grid housing options?
How far away is medical care?
Does 1Sphere 1People Homestead have a policy on smoking, drinking, or drug use?
You state there is a community fire pit. Can you go into more detail about its use?
Can I see more pictures of the property?
What about laundry?
How do I use the community library?
What is the reason for your "putter time" requirement?
Q, Where are you located?
A. Short answer: in SE Arizona, almost smack-dab in the middle between Benson and Tombstone off of Hwy 80. Detailed information is on the website. At the 1Sphere 1People Homestead homepage select “Where Are We in SE Arizona” from the 1Sphere 1People Homestead Site Map on the right.
Q. Are you in the desert? What is the weather like?
A. St. David is in the high desert, and is fairly temperate, actually. 1Sphere 1People Homestead is at an elevation of 3700 feet. We have about 300 days of sun per year. It does get warm in the summer, but humidity remains relatively low. As the saying goes: “It's a dry heat.” Rainfall is mainly divided between the winter and summer months, with the majority of rainfall in the monsoon season, July-mid September. We learn to do more like they do in Mexico, rise early, take an afternoon siesta, and enjoy the cool of the evening. Most winter days start cool, but end up t-shirt weather. Being high desert, the summer evening temperature usually drops into the low 70's.

Average annual rainfall is 14.2".
Average high and low temperatures and rainfall for Benson, AZ
Month | Avg High in F. | Avg Low in F. | Avg Rainfall inch |
January | 63 | 29 | 1.05 |
February | 67 | 32 | .58 |
March | 71 | 36 | 0.53 |
April | 79 | 41 | 0.26 |
May | 87 | 49 | 0.24 |
June | 96 | 58 | 0.51 |
July | 95 | 65 | 3.49 |
August | 93 | 64 | 3.16 |
September | 90 | 57 | 1.75 |
October | 81 | 46 | 1.34 |
November | 71 | 33 | 0.50 |
December | 63 | 28 | 0.82 |
2009 data for Benson, AZ (elevation 3600 feet). Rainfall data is recorded for Sierra Vista, AZ.
Month |
High in degrees F. |
Low |
Average |
Humidity |
Wind speed |
Rainfall inches |
January |
78.8 |
14.2 |
44.6 |
48.9 |
0.5 |
0.3 |
February |
89.2 |
15.6 |
48.3 |
39.0 |
0.9 |
0.48 |
March |
90.5 |
19.8 |
54.7 |
34.2 |
1.3 |
0.2 |
April |
96.6 |
22.5 |
63.2 |
24.7 |
2.4 |
0.16 |
May |
102.7 |
35.6 |
72.9 |
31.9 |
1.1 |
0.12 |
June |
105.3 |
40.8 |
75.7 |
35.4 |
0.6 |
1.78 |
July |
109.6 |
59.9 |
81.2 |
51.7 |
0.8 |
0.81 |
August |
107.6 |
52.7 |
79 |
48.8 |
0.7 |
1.57 |
September |
101.5 |
42.8 |
72.8 |
50.1 |
0.3 |
0.58 |
October |
97.9 |
14.9 |
60.9 |
41.0 |
0.9 |
1.47 |
November |
90.7 |
21.2 |
51.5 |
41.1 |
0.2 |
0.28 |
December |
74.8 |
12.7 |
41.7 |
55.2 |
0.7 |
3.99 |
2009 data for Benson, AZ (elevation 3600 feet). Rainfall data is recorded for Sierra Vista, AZ both to date of September 21, 2010.
Month |
High in degrees F. |
Low |
Average |
Humidity in Percent |
Wind speed |
Rainfall inches |
January |
72.1 |
17.6 |
43.5 |
54.5 |
0.3 |
3.0 |
February |
76.1 |
22.1 |
45.3 |
65.1 |
0.8 |
1.23 |
March |
87.6 |
21.6 |
51.6 |
46.5 |
1.1 |
0.32 |
April |
87.6 |
23.9 |
59.1 |
37.2 |
1.5 |
0.71 |
May |
104.2 |
22.8 |
66.6 |
26.2 |
1.2 |
0 |
June |
111.6 |
41,0 |
78.9 |
26.3 |
0.8 |
0 |
July |
115.0 |
57.6 |
80.1 |
55.2 |
0.1 |
4.65 |
August |
105.1 |
56.7 |
78.1 |
66.8 |
0.1 |
5.58 |
September |
104.0 |
43.7 |
74.5 |
54.0 |
0.1 |
0.04 |
October |
November |
December |
Q. You say you have a large garden area. Is there enough water?
A. The St. David area is fairly unique in Arizona. Water from the Whetstone Mountains flows under a thick layer of clay, and is under pressure. Wells drilled through this layer produce free-flowing artesian water. Our artesian well was drilled at around 570 feet and produces 6 gallons per minute on average. This water feeds two small ponds, forms a stream, and feeds another two ponds before soaking in and returning to the San Pedro River. 1Sphere 1People Homestead also has water rights from the San Pedro River via the St. David Irrigation Ditch.
Q. What internet options do you have?
A. We used to get by on dial-up; our son did internet school on dial-up, but currently, we have Virgin Mi-Fi hotspot in the library which provides for up to five users at a time. It's about 3 times dial-up speed. We also have St. David High-Speed Internet, a local wi-fi provider. Standard service is "up to 2mpbs" but speed varies with signal strength and number of users. A password and sharing of the monthly expense ($40) is required for use of the SD High-Speed Internet option, but the Mi-Fi is free.
Another option would be Sulfur Springs Valley Electric
Wi-Power internet. They don't say how fast is "fast," but just claim to be as fast or faster than other broadband options. We need line of sight to their tower which is about 15 miles away on a mountain. To get line of sight we would have to put up about a 40-foot tower. There's an abandoned windmill tower that we're thinking about disassembling, moving, and putting up.
Another possibility is one of the satellite internet providers—most have mixed reviews, but it's an option.
If you're a power user you could get your own unshared service using any of the above options.
For those who only need a high-speed connection occasionally, would involve getting cable internet at the house in St. David, our potential St. David Annex, and go there (5 miles) to use the cable internet. Or a power user could live there and come to the Acres when not online. Currently we have a house on Tucson's eastside that has cable internet that 1Sphere 1People Homestead' members can use--and there's a spare room to rent is someone wants to be close to the big city.
Q. What about kids?
A: We love children, but we have chosen to create an adult community at 1Sphere 1People Homestead because this is not a child-friendly environment. Granted, our son was four when we moved here and he survived, but we assumed full responsibility for his safety, provided him with a fenced yard, and gave him constant supervision. My young grandchildren come to visit on occasion, and I assume full responsibility for their safety as well. Any adults bringing children to 1Sphere 1People Homestead are required to do the same. We assume no responsibility for the safety of those children.
Children, grandchildren, and other underage guests of visitors and community members are welcome to visit. There is a two-week maximum on the length of stay, with a maximum of twice a year on extended visits of more than three days. Consensus of the community is required for any exceptions to be granted. If any child acts in an inappropriate manner their parent or guardian will be given a warning and they will be asked to remove the child from the property if the behavior continues unchecked.
There are several open water sources on, in front of, behind, and bordering 1Sphere 1People Homestead. There is a steep drop to the river on the BLM land at the back of the property. There is barbed wire fencing, electric fencing, and stored glass for greenhouses and construction, as well as other stored construction materials. There are drivers who may not think to look out for children. There are horses in pipe corrals that are climbable. This is open range territory, thus neighboring livestock have free range to go where they will. There are noxious weeds, cacti, and a multitude of other thorns bearing plants. There are numerous biting and stinging insects including black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, Africanized “killer” bees, wood ticks, various biting ants, scorpions, and mosquitoes, just to name a few.
Wild animals frequent the wildlife area and residential areas of the property, including deer, racoons, bobcat, skunks, rodents, javelina, rattlesnakes, fox, and potentially wolves and cougar, just to name the more common. The San Pedro Reparian National Conservation Area article states there are over 80 species of mammals that frequent the riparian area. Some have the potential to carry rabies, some are large enough to attack, kill, or carry off pets and young children.
There is no guarantee that this list is all inclusive. If other dangers are detected or pointed out, they will be added.
Our desire is that you and the children and/or pets with whom you are associated have a safe and enjoyable stay at 1Sphere 1People Homestead.
Q. What about pets? I have a dog and a cat, and they are like family to me. They are great, never get into any trouble, and have references from the manager of place I am renting. I am willing to pay a pet deposit. I can't leave them behind!
A. The main issue involves the rights of others to peace and quiet. Incessant barking cannot be tolerated, neither is aggression towards people or other animals. Pet odors are another issue. Fecal matter needs to be disposed of properly and on a regular basis, and pets need proper grooming. Unit 1 has a large fenced yard and a dog run that is 6' wide x 26 feet long x by 4 feet high. In the 15 years we have owned the property we have never had any fleas or ticks and want to keep it that way. We do not want pets marking territory, coming in heat, or producing litters, so it is important that all dogs and cats be spayed or neutered. Because not everyone appreciates animals, they are not allowed in the developed community areas unless by group consensus—that means each and every person is in agreement. Pets must earn that right. There is the possibility of constructing a fenced yard off the north doors of units 2-5 for small pets. Pets are only allowed in the wildlife preserve if securely leashed, and then only on the trail to not disturb nesting wildlife. There is 57,000 acres of BLM land directly behind our property where you can run your pets to their heart's content. There is also the concern for damages pets have been known to inflict upon residences and yards. For this reason, there is a refundable pet deposit. Animals who are not reliably housebroken cannot be allowed inside to urinate or defecate on our oak laminate flooring. Both people and pets will be screened for compatibility.
Dangers to pets:
A word to the wise... Please note that pets should be up to date on vaccinations and that there are some mosquitoes in the area that carry heartworm and can pass them on to dogs. It is important that all dogs be kept on heartworm preventative medication. There are also predators and other critters potentially dangerous to pets in the area: javelina, birds of prey, coyotes, bobcat (seen one, cleaned us out of chickens and Guinea fowl one fall), scorpions (seen two), and rattlesnakes (see about two or three per year), just to name the more common. Wolves could potentially travel the river corridor and those cute little coatis have been rumored to eviscerate dogs.
That said, if you and your pets are willing to abide by the rules and precautions, you and they are welcome.
Q. I am a vegetarian. Will people be eating meat?
A. We do not dictate diet, however we ask that any group meals or pot lucks be prepared with vegetarians in mind. If the group takes the direction of vegetarianism by consensus that would be great. If not, that is fine too. I was a vegan for several years but now eat small portions of poultry or fish and once in a rare while will eat pork or beef. I am willing to go along with the group decision. Each unit has its own kitchenette with a microwave, crock pot, refrigerator, and toaster so strict vegans have the option of keeping their food preparation separate.
Q. I am looking for a quiet location to spend a month this winter. Do you offer short-term rentals?
A. Absolutely. We offer stays as short as one week, subject to vacancy.
Q. I like the idea of what you are doing, but I am more of a loner. Do you have any private housing?
A. Yes, in fact we do.We have a 10x50 mobile, an 8x30 travel trailer.
Q. I have a travel trailer and spend winters in SE Arizona. Do you have a place where I can park and take part in all that you have to offer?
A. We have two RV spaces with full hook-ups.
Q. I like the social aspect of 1Sphere 1People Homestead, but I am more interested in alternative housing and in being totally off-the-grid. Do you have anything for people like me?
A. We do have plans for alternative housing. From our website check out the "site map" menu box on the top right and look for alternative housing. My husband has put up links for POD housing and a possible Thoreau cabin. We also have ideas for an underground "Hobbit Hole" and a windmill house, and are also open to suggestions.
Q. How far away is medical care?
A. The St. David ambulance service is located less than two miles away on Hwy 80. The Benson Hospital is about 14 miles away. Severe medical problems generally require transport to Tucson. Both Eric and Sue are EMT trained RNs, and Eric is a practicing ED nurse. Anyone with known medical problems is encouraged to discuss their conditions in advance and provide emergency medical contact information.
Q. Does 1Sphere 1People Homestead have a policy on smoking, drinking, or drug use?
A. Personally, we (Eric and Sue) choose to not smoke and, like many non-smokers, we find smoke odors unpleasant. Smoke leaves residue and odors when used indoors, so indoor use of cigarettes is not allowed and neither is smoking in community areas. If one must smoke, outdoor smoking in one's personal area or private RV is acceptable.
Drinking is a personal matter as long as there is no public drunkenness or drama involved. Moderation is encouraged.
The use of illegal substances cannot be condoned on the property. It puts all members of the community at risk of guilt by association. Substance users are encouraged to find a substance friendly community instead of 1Sphere 1People Homestead.
Q. You state there is a community fire pit. Can you go into more detail about its use?
A. Anyone is welcome to use the fire pit. It should not be used when there is the possibility of wind carrying cinders causing fire danger. Please be considerate and not use the fire pit when smoke is drifting towards the residences. Coals should be well soaked and cool before exiting the area. There is plenty of dead wood on the property that can be collected for burning. If firewood is used from the stack, please replace it. Return all utensils to their proper area.
Q. I would like to see more pictures of the property.
A. Pictures can be seen at the following links:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alysion-Acres/159722394058966 and
Q. What about laundry?
A. 1Sphere 1People Homestead has a washer and dryer for community use, just off the community kitchen. Our preference is for the use of environmentally friendly soap since gray water is re-used. We ask that if fabric softener is used it not be the dryer sheets because these are harmful to the dryer. Clothes left in the washer or dryer will be put into a basket. Please be considerate of others by leaving the appliances clean and emptying the lint trap on the dryer. Check it before drying a load because a full lint trap decreases drying efficiency. There is a clothes line to the south of the 10x50 mobile that is for community use, and we have a retractable clothes line that can be installed if desired.
Q. How do I use the community library?
A. The library has extensive volumes of books and a large selection of games. DVDs are also available upon request. To check out an item simply write the book title and your name on the check-out list, and cross it off upon its return. There is a labeled shelf of paper backs offered on an exchange basis. Take one, leave one. Cataloging the materials is one of the suggested putter time activities.
Q. What is the reason for your "putter time" requirement?
A. 18 acres is too much for one person to maintain, so we should all share in this responsibility. Everyone is welcome to use the community areas and should all help keep them tidy. Putter time is used instead of charging separately for use of community and recreational areas, community materials, mifi internet, laundry facilities and any other resources. Residents should have an interest in contributing to the maintenance and improvement of the wildlife area.
Routine gardening and livestock tending is not considered putter time since those who help with this work are the ones to share in the produce.
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- Visit our Zazzle store:
Support this site: Visit our Zazzle store featuring ultra hi-res images of artworks, Hubble/ESA/NASA space images, Mandelbrot fractals, maps and more. Images up to 525 megapixels allow for fine printing at the largest sizes. Consider giving a fine print as a gift that could hang on someone's wall for a hundred years or more.
1Sphere 1People Homestead Site Map
- •Home Page
- •Mission Statement
- •Who are we? Personal profiles
- •Where are we in SE Arizona?
- •Units Available: Vacancy?
- Description of Unit 1
- Description of Unit 2
- Description of Unit 3
- Description of Unit 4
- Description of Unit 5
- Description of Small Mobile Home
- Description of RV Space 1
- Description of RV Space 2
- •Utilities
- •Community Areas
- •Compatibility Issues: Will you fit in?
- •On Human Needs: What do you need?
- •One Homestead: Experimental Farm
- •How much space does a person need?
- •Nearby Hiking Excursions
- •Alternative Dwellings: POD Houses
- •Alternative Dwellings: Thoreau Cabin
- •A History of the St. David Area
- •1Sphere 1People Homestead FAQ
- •1Sphere1People Annex
- •History of 1Sphere 1People Homestead
- •Geological Map of Area
1Sphere 1People Homestead Projects
External Links
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Center For Inquiry
Promoting Community Living and Cooperative Lifestyles Across North America.
Your portal for skeptical and free inquiry.
Other sites by Alysion
- World's Funniest Jokes
- Survival Retreat? Maybe now is the time
- For wisdom: follow The Path of the Dog
- Beginnings: First Lines from Scriptures
- World Religion Simplified
- The Diamond Sutra: Condensed version
- The Platform Sutra of Huineng: Condensed
- The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
- The Zen Teachings of Huang Po on the One Mind
- Zen and the Art of Mindful Bus Riding
- Private Retreat: 1Sphere 1People Homestead
- Two Zen Stories
- 14 Mindfulness Trainings of Thich Nhat Hanh
- 14 Thoughtfulness Trainings
- Westfulness and Eastfulness
- Mindfulness Meditation Bell, Gong, Timer
- Buyer's Guide to Food Preparedness Products
- Poems to Memorize & Memorable Poems
- Mom's Favorite Poems
- Ryan's Favorite Poems
- WWW Collection of Favorite String Figures
- Take the Super Post-Mensa IQ Test
- Alternative Handwriting and Shorthand Systems
- Handywrite
- Making the Tree of Life: Fun with phylogenetics
- Human Chow: The Website
- Small Animal Euthanasia at Home
- Fun with Dimensional Analysis
- Medication Math for the Nursing Student
- Walled-in: A poem
- Making Boxes for your Rock & Mineral Collection
- Making a Mass Balance Scale
- Ryan's 50 States Flashcards
- Adventures of MeraLee
- World Religions Simplified
- eBike Touring Association
- The True Right to Life Movement
- Cochise Stronghold Trail