1Sphere 1People Homestead
A developing intentional community in SE Arizona
The plan for greenhoues is to build using salvaged patio doors. These show up on Craigslist or Freecycle, often free for the picking up. Doors vary in width, but height is generally 80 inches. Four doors the same width make a section. A gap at the top allows ventalation. The end walls are of one piece, so a greenhouse can be expanded by moving the end wall and adding sections. The greenhouses are a bit over 10 feet wide and as long as there is room to extend them. The top cover is 26 inch wide lexan roofing panels that either seal the top opening or hinge open to allow cooling. Opening and closing could be automatic. Patio doors would also be used for the enterance. Fans could be mounted above the doors on both ends for added cooling. Shade cloth would probably be needed in mid summer.
Expansion can also be to the side by moving one wall out and replacing it with posts, then adding more roof and two end walls.

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