

So maybe you're not a kid or your parents aren't paying for anymore summer camps. Don't despair, His/Her Noodliness invites you to form, attend, perform or pretend at FSM GROUP CAMPOUTS nearby (or far, far away) for the pasta-deprived seeking the One True Pasta. This site freely lists gatherings of Pastafarians, mainly those on planet Earth, but we don't want to be provincial, so any inhabitants elsewhere can post their offering here too.

Campouts for Pastafarians can be on so-called private lands (ask the so-called owner first) or if the group camp is on the small side, there are millions of acres of public lands to gather on, with or without the government's fully informed approval. Then there are so-called organized happenings within which Pirates can unite. See you at Burning Man or a Regional Burn, or wherever any other pretext may arise.

If you are planning a gathering of fellow Noodlers, post it here. If you are concerned for your personal salvation from all beliefs that you may have (and thereby be had by), consider joining a Pasta Camp where you can consign your unbeliefs to the flames of His (PBUH) All-Consuming Doubt.

Can't make it to all the camps? Participate anyway by contributing your Burnable Beliefs to be added to the FSM Pyre.

To add to the listing: contact FSM Camp List.


North America:


Witch Wells near Sanders, AZ. Join us for 4 days - October 9-12 - of art, music, performance art, and interactive participation. The AZBurners are an interactive group of artists, performers, musicians and participants of the Burning Man event that takes place in the Black Rock City, Nevada. Ticket required from AZBurners. Pastafarians can stay at the FSM Camp. Contact Monster Minion to become an acolyte at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Pastafarian Camp Temple at the burn. More info: FSM at AZBurn.


Double Dolphin Farm - Snowflake, AZ. Join us for 5 days - April 29 to May 3 - of art, music, performance art, and interactive participation. The AZBurners are an interactive group of artists, performers, musicians and participants of the Burning Man event that takes place in the Black Rock City, Nevada. Ticket required for Saguaro Man. Pastafarians can stay at the FSM Camp. Contact Monster Minion to become an acolyte at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Pastafarian Camp Temple at the burn. More info: FSM at AZBurn.


Burning Man, Black Rock City, NV. Ticket required so in January try to get yours. The FSM Camp will be within the AEZ Village, the Alternative Energy Zone Village where there are two rules: (1) have permission to camp in the village and (2) no generators (other than wind or solar) are allowed. R'Amen. Contact Monster Minion to become an acolyte at the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Pastafarian Camp Temple at the burn.


South America:













Pray to HIM (or not)




a linkPastaology 101

a link

a link

sun tour america

Mt. Lemmon May 2014
Mt. Lemmon,
May, 2015

Burning Man
Burning Man Lite,
August, 2015

monarch migration
Monarchs to Mexico,
November, 2014

Pikes Peak
Pikes Peak, CO,
June, 2015

Burning Man2
Burning Man,
August, 2015

a link

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.
—Mark Twain