Follow the Path of the

I was in a near fatal accident and
while convalescing at home
I came to see our Doggiesattva,
the Doggess Athena
(aka Italian Greyhound bitch), as—
my Therapy Dog.
She is so mindful of me that I came to realize
that I could do no better than to learn from her,
and so resolved to become—
her Therapy Human.
Our give and receive works so well
that my wife and I have vowed to be
therapy humans to one another—
a love that is Mindful Understanding.
Thus may all come to follow:

Find the Way;
Become a therapy human today.
Quoted below: Spinoza, Buddha, Henry David Thoreau, John Lennon,
Thich Nhat Hanh, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lao Tzu, Nietzsche,
Albert Einstein, Euripides, J. Krishnamurti, Shakespeare
Click on for larger picture
Only this moment is life.