1 Sphere 1 People

Sites hosted by 1sphere1people.com
- For wisdom: follow The Path of the Dog
- Zen and the Art of Mindful Bus Riding
- Private Retreat: Alysion Acres
- How to Mindfully Meditate
- Inner Peace: If you can
- Global Warming 123
- Buddhist Precepts
- Two Zen Stories
- Mindful Poem
- Grammy's Urban Micro Farm
- The Diamond Sutra: Condensed version
- The Platform Sutra of Huineng: Condensed
- The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
- The Ch'an Teachings of Huang Po on the One Mind
- The 14 Mindfulness Trainings of Thich Nhat Hanh
- 14 Thoughtfulness Trainings with appologies to Thich Nhat Hanh
- Mindfulness Meditation Bell, Chime, Gong, Ding, Tick-Tock
- Westfulness and Eastfulness
- 1Sphere 1People Homestead
- 1Sphere 1People Annex